Metallica Through the Never follows the story of a young Metallica roadie, Trip (Dane DeHaan), as he embarks on a perilous journey across a decimated urban landscape. As the band plays to a sold-out arena crowd, Trip is charged with retrieving a crucial item from the other side of the city. However, his mission is complicated by the presence of rioters and police clashing in the streets and a mysterious masked figure on horseback who seems to relish in the chaos. Trip soon finds himself in danger when he incurs the wrath of a ruthless, hammer-wielding psycho and his gang. Despite the perilous journey, Trip must continue his mission while Metallica plays a thunderous collection of their classics, including "Creeping Death", "Ride the Lightning", "Master of Puppets", "Battery" and "Enter Sandman."
Produced by: Blackened Recordings, Exclusive Media Group Directed by: Nimród Antal
Year: 2013
OUR WORKS: Stereo clean up, Stereo camera tracking, Stereo Keying