The Amazing Spider-Man follows Peter Parker, a shy and isolated high school student who is bitten by a genetically altered spider and gains extraordinary powers. With the help of his mentor, Doctor Curt Connors, and newfound love interest, Gwen Stacy, Peter learns to use his powers to fight the evil forces of Oscorp. When Peter discovers that Oscorp is responsible for the death of his beloved Uncle Ben, he is determined to take them down. With the help of Gwen, Curt, and Harry Osborn, Peter attempts to stop Oscorp's sinister plans and unravel the secrets of his past. As Peter struggles to balance his personal life with his new superhero identity, he discovers that there are greater forces at play, and he must make the ultimate sacrifice to save the city and the people he loves.
Produced by: Columbia Pictures Directed by: Marc Webb Year: 2012 James Vanderbilt and others Our works: Camera tracking, Rotoscoping