V perine is an exciting musical comedy directed by F. A. Brabec and made entirely in 3D. It follows a magical story of dreams hidden in a quilt in a world where everyone loves to dance rock'n'roll and the streets are lined with pink Cadillacs. The film is full of original songs composed by René Rypar from the band Support Lesbiens and features special guests Kabát and Karel Svoboda. The impressive cast includes Lucie Bila, Karel Roden, Jirí Mádl, Anna Stropnická, Eliska Balzerová, Bolek Polívka, Nikol Moravcová, Arnost Goldflam, Nina Divísková, Amelie Pokorná and Matej Prevrátil. It was filmed in the city od Písek, in the South of Bohemia and is sure to get you in a summertime mood.
Produced by: ACE post, Hollywood Classic Entertainment Directed by: F.A. Brabec
Year: 2012 Our works: Stereo compositing and clean up